Do These Things Before You Get Out Of Bed To Ensure Your Daily Happiness
Smile and Say Thank You
Just as soon as you get up, flex your muscles around your lips and let the curve rule your face. If you need a reason then smile that it is a new day and you have got this day to live, compared many other people in the world who probably will be exact your age but would have never got to see this new day. Along with that beautiful smile add a dash of gratitude. All the things that you are blessed with - the day you got to see, the fact that you have job, the bed you slept in, the clothes you wear, the food you get to eat, the air that you get to breathe, your body - feel grateful for it.
Remember this is not about just mumbling a half-hearted thank you. This is about taking a moment to just experience the feeling that you have been blessed with these things in your life.
Take deep breaths
Nothing is as healing and comforting as slow deep breaths. While you are still in your bed, make a point to take at least five slow deep breaths. And as you do that focus all your attention on the sensation of the air as it travels in and out of your body. This is absolutely refreshing.
Five minutes of doing nothing, thinking nothing
Take five minutes where you do nothing and think nothing. No phones, no gadgets, and no mental check list of what you have to do during the day. It is like get in an observer mode and watch yourself sitting in the bed, as if you are seeing it on a scree. You don't have to consciously push any thoughts, just don't get involved with it. If a thought comes, observe and bring your focus back on a mental picture of you sitting on the bed doing nothing. As you do this, notice what you experience. This exercise will declutter your mind powerfully and you will feel a lot less stressed during the day.
Say 'I love You' to yourself
Most of the time, we are looking for love from our spouses, parents, friends, peers, etc. And we complaint that they don't love us enough. Here is a fact, if you don't know it already: Love begins with you. It may sound a bit odd at first, but just start saying that to yourself and see the difference. Remember to say it genuinely, like you want other people to tell you the same. Love will just blossom in your life, boosting your daily happiness.
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