All About IP Address!

Posted by Rishabh on 20:14 with No comments

What is an IP address?

An Ip address is a label assigned to every device connected to a network or internet.Any device connected to internet could use this label to connect to another device connected to internet.

Types of ip addresses :-

1) Dynamic ip : These types of ip are always changing. Mostly broadband connections have these type of IP. These are assigned automatically by your ISP.

2) Static ip : These ip addresses don’t change. They remain same. You either had to buy one from your ISP or sometimes it comes free with your plan.

3)Public ip : Public ip address makes your device accessible to other users of internet. Anyone on internet can connect to your server using your PUBLIC IP.
To check your Public IP visit :

4)Private ip: Private ip is an ip address assigned to devices on a private network like computers present in your school/college have different Private ip address. It is used to communicate between computers on a Private network connected using hub/switch or any other way. To check your Private ip :

4.a)Open cmd .
4.b)Type ipconfig and hit enter.
4.c)The number shown against Ip Address is your Private ip.
You could assign Private ip on your own by :-
4.1)Double click on network connection icon in taskbar.
4.2)Click on Properties.
4.3)Click on internet protocol(tcp/ip).
4.4)Tick on “use this configuration”.
4.5)Enter your details.
4.6)Click on Ok.